"(T)o say that the individual is culturally constituted has become a truism. . . . We assume, almost without question, that a self belongs to a specific cultural world much as it speaks a native language." James Clifford

Monday, May 28, 2018

Extrapolating from the Arab Spring to Corporate Social Responsibility

Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Atlantic and a myriad of other companies, sees a natural extension or follow-through from the pro-democracy protests in the Middle East and North Africa to more corporate social responsibility. As much as I would like to think that the twenty-first century proffers a new world, I think we have to acknowledge the weight of the political, economic and social strictures that we have uncritically inherited.

According to USA Today, “Branson says it took him seven years to realize businesses are part of the problem as they focus narrowly on profit and exhaust natural resources. Now, he believes the world has changed in the last several months, with revolutions in the Middle East, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, riots in London, famine in East Africa, and debt crises around the world. He quotes the band REM: "It's the end of the world as we know it … and I feel fine." Seven years? Branson has been thinking on all cylinders. Even if businesses are not part of the problem, the default of business is to make profit by turning resources into products to be consumed. This is the raison d’etre (i.e., the reason for being) of the modern corporation. Viewing its inherent function, as per its design, as part of “the problem” may simply be due to the sheer magnitude of a large corporation’s operations. In other words, a large foot is apt to leave a large footprint.

Moreover, changes in government, protests, natural disasters and a systemic overreliance on debt-financing by governments do not necessarily mean the end of the world as we know it. I wish this were so, but people in power have a nasty habit of retaining it, even if under subterfuges if necessary. For example, the military rule in Egypt at least as of the beginning of 2012 may put the “revolution” in 2011 in perspective. That is to say, the old guys are still in charge, so how much of a revolution was it? Furthermore, it would be naïve to believe that the corrupt relationship between business and government in Japan has been expunged by the post-tsunami clean-up. It is doubtful, for example, that TEPCO has been born-again as if baptized by the tsunami. 

The larger point Branson is making in his statement is that corporations will no longer be part of the problem because the world as we know it is no more. He cites several instances of corporate social responsibility to make his point. However, the business of business is still to make money, and much of CSR is still essentially marketing writ large. Without changing the design in corporate law, it is foolhardy to believe in a brave new world of corporate capitalism. It is at the very least a stretch to assume that pro-democracy protests or changes in government will somehow convince business executives to engage in CSR. Even in terms of corporate or “stakeholder” democracy, the linkage is tenuous because the expectation that governments should be democratic does not extend to corporations because the two are typically viewed as different domains. So to Branson, I would say, nice job with your companies and even on CSR, but let’s not get carried away on some jet to nirvana. As much as we would like to see the world remade rather than carrying on with baggage from the twentieth-century, we would get further toward this goal by keeping our legs on the ground.


Kathryn Caravan, “Branson’s ‘Screw Business As Usual’ Has High Points,” USA Today, January 23, 2012.