"(T)o say that the individual is culturally constituted has become a truism. . . . We assume, almost without question, that a self belongs to a specific cultural world much as it speaks a native language." James Clifford

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Bankers or the Bank: Which Is Responsible?

Along with paying $2.6 billion to settle criminal and civil charges for having “failed, and failed miserably” to notify the SEC of warning signs that could have short-circuited Bernie Madoff’s $17 billion Ponzi operation, J.P. Morgan Chase only had to acknowledge that its actions were improper.[1] No criminal prosecution ensued. The electronic evidence against Madoff's operation was too damning for JP Morgan Chase to have missed it. Indeed, according to USA Today, “JPMorgan had suspicions about Madoff’s operation as early as December 1998, when a bank fund manager warned the investment returns were ‘possibly too good to be true.’”[2] Without submitting any “suspicious activity reports” to the U.S. Government as required by law, the bank had pulled $275 million of its own “feeder funds” from Madoff’s fund two months before Madoff’s financial services firm collapsed.[3] In other words, the bankers connected the dots well enough for the bank's financial interest and perhaps even their own, yet strangely  enough no one at the bank could manage to let the outside world  know, even though federal law mandated reporting the suspicions to the SEC.  and responsibility urged it.
Does being strenuously pressured into making a public acknowledgement of impropriety accomplishes any internal improvement in a bank's corporate culture, including the pervasive attitude toward responsibility relative to profits? JPMorgan Chase had to acknowledge the impropriety of the bank's failure to keep the SEC informed, but this admission does not, in itself, mean that the bankers came to realize a sense of responsibility to the other investors (and potential ones) so they would not continue in Madoff's scheme. A formal acknowledgement is external, and all to amenable to business, whereas a sense of responsibility is internal; it is either there or its not. It is not something that a person can get by attending a training class. I'm always amazed, by the way, when a supervisor tells a customer that an employee's attitude can be "retrained," as if all the values and beliefs that a person has acquired even from upbringing can suddenly be changed by attending a workshop on proper employee attitude. 
In fact, it is not clear to me whether a corporate acknowledgement of guilt or failure even makes sense. Stated in terms of organizational theory, I want to challenge the popular presupposition that an organization itself can admit to criminal or improper actions. If so, must we assume that a firm is more than the sum of its parts and that this more has human attributes? Just because human beings are members of organizations does not mean the organizations are themselves human in some respect, such as in having a sense of responsibility.
Anthropomorphism, the projection of human characteristics or attributes onto non-human animals or things including collectives such as a company, government, or religious organization, is the underlying problem behind the justice in this case being insufficient. Did JPMorgan acknowledge that its actions were improper? Can it even be said that a bank has actions, since only people can act. You might retort that a bank has people who act for the bank, but this is not the same as the bank having acted. Did JPMorgan have suspicions? Human minds have suspicions. An organization does not have a mind (and thus not a memory). In spite of the legal fiction of “personhood,” a company made up of people and things such as money and buildings has neither a consciousness nor mind. 

J.P. Morgan hitting a man. Was he demonstrating that criminal law applies to human beings in organizations?  Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Dennis Kelleher (of Better Markets) answered the JPMorgan settlement by observing, “Banks do not commit crimes; bankers do.”[4] Kelleher made the dogmatic statement in support of his criticism of the lack of charges against the bank managers who decided to, and went along with, keeping their suspicions from the SEC and thus the outside world. Who decided to pull the money in the bank’s feeder funds from Madoff’s fund two months before Madoff himself informed government officials? Were those JPMorgan employees aware of the refusal to inform the SEC? If so, they, not "the bank," had some explaining to do, and from that perhaps some external accountability was needed. Ironically, five former Madoff employees charged with aiding that fraud were on trial at the time. 
To be sure, it could also be asked whether the SEC should have needed to depend on reports from suspicious institutional investors such as JPMorgan to discover Madoff's scheme? It was so big that the SEC came off looking rather badly. If that regulatory agency has suffered from inadequate staffing (or experience, do to the higher compensation on Wall Street), part of the larger problem is that political contributions and lobbying from financial institutions convince elected and appointed officials of the federal government to keep the SEC too lean to do any damage to those particular institutions. Of course, damage to the financial system itself, or even the wider economy, as occurred in the financial crisis of 2008, is apparently not within the purview of responsibility. Again, the outsiders be damned, or, insiders at the expense of others. The lack of sense of responsibility in the bank thus mirrored that of the politicians and their paymasters. It is an inner circle of power and money that forsakes the public good.  

1. This was according to Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara.Tim Mullaney and Kevin McCoy, “JPMorgan to Pay $2.6 billion in Madoff Case Settlements,” USA Today, January 8, 2014.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Western Banks Lending to Asia's Expanding Middle Class: Profit vs. Planet

In April 2013, debt levels in Asia were reaching record levels as international lenders were extending short-term loans to a growing middle class. Non-mortgage consumer credit in Asia outside of Japan had increased 67% from 2007 to reach $1.66 trillion by the end of 2012. This credit included credit cards and loans for cars, electronic products, and appliances. Outside of Japan, Asian car and motorcycle loans nearly doubled from 2007 to 2012, to reach a record $219.7 billion. Appliance and electronics loans also more than doubled, reaching a high of $10.9 billion. Meanwhile, credit-card loans grew by 90% to reach a record $234.1 billion, according to Euromonitor. The incentive for the banks is not difficult to fathom. At the time, more than half of the world’s middle class was expected to be in Asia by the end of the decade. That translates yearly into more than 100 million additional people per year. For the banks, this was an opportunity since at least the beginning of the decade because growth was not possible in the European Union and the United States on account of the financial crisis of 2008 and the ensuing European debt-crisis that extended well into 2013. The European Commission of the E.U. was also working on regulatory proposals that would limit the incentives of mortgage servicers to produce too many “bubble-creating” mortgages. 
So Western banks had an incentive to look east for fruitful markets. Interesting, government regulators in China, Malaysia, and Indonesia had began reining in mortgage, credit-card and auto/motorcycle lending, perhaps in fear of an Asian financial crisis. Had Western bankers learned their lesson, or were they unwittingly bringing their reckless mentality to Asia? Two levels of concerns can be extracted from this case. I contend that the more immediate concerns were crowding out attention that ought to have been paid to the larger, but longer-term, problems.
One sort of concern suggests that the international banks may have been providing too much credit to people entering the middle class. Such borrowers, similar to the sub-prime mortgage borrowers in California, Arizona and Florida, may not be able to handle their new debt-loads. At the beginning of 2013, debt levels relative to individual income in many Asian economies, including Malaysia, China, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and India, were already up to 30% higher than in the United States. This would suggest that the Western bankers were again poised to be reckless. Citigroup’s claim that it was expanding its lending to the middle class in Asia in a “disciplined manner” can thus be challenged. More particularly, the financial-growth incentives facing the bank, given the continued weak economies in Europe and North America, can be critically analyzed. Did Citigroup's bankers accurately anticipate whether another debt melt-down might have resulted from the trend in debt-loads, or was this low-probability, high-risk scenario too long-term oriented to be factored in sufficiently? I don't know the answer to this, but I submit that baleful consequences that are larger and presumably further off tend to get pushed aside by the human mind, given the preoccupation with today, hard-wired by natural selection.
Even if we take Citigroup at its word that it was lending in Asia in a “disciplined manner” in spite of the rather unique opportunity for bank profit there, we can ask whether international banks have a responsibility to society, and even the species itself by resisting the temptation to immediately extend the rising middle class higher in spite of "growth pains" that could be anticipated. To a banker, this might have seemed like muzzling the golden goose, particularly given the soft economies in North America and Europe at the time.  What if his or her competitors would have stepped in anyway? Responsibility involves some voluntary restriction on a company’s financial self-interest that may require industry-wide commitment.  What are the chances that no one would cheat? Very low, I submit. Nevertheless, duty, a word mostly lost to today's short-sighted narcissism, is not meant to be convenient; otherwise, it would not operate as a tug on a banker’s conscience.
The upsurge in auto loans in Asia is a case in point. That is, is is responsible to facilitate an expansive auto market especially in China's major cities, which had already been known to be notable polluters. After 2000, the number of cars in use in China was doubling every year. Meanwhile, the Chinese were building an “interstate" highway-system that would dwarf the network of highways in the contiguous United States. Loans enabling an exploding middle class to buy cars increased the global demand for oil, resulting, other things equal, in a higher price at the gas pump. Would the magnitude of the surge in projected fossil-fuel use in China drain the Earth’s oil reserves before alternative sources of energy could pick up the slack, or should the Chinese too be able to enjoy a car economy like those in the West? It would be too easy for the Western bankers to resound with the latter at the expense of the former due to the allure of greater profits over duty to the species.
More people=More cars=More pollution    source: Businessweek
The viability of the species enters the equation of course because of the scientifically-proven link between carbon emissions by humans and climate change in which both the atmosphere and oceans of the planet have been warming since well before 2013. To be sure, it could indeed have been argued that the Asian middle-class deserved the same freedom and ease provided by owning a car in the twenty-first century that the American and European middle-classes enjoyed in the twentieth century. Fair is fair, right? However, the global climatic threat to the species had not been pressing during the industrial revolution and through the ensuing shizogenic (i.e., a maximizing variable) consumerism of the twentieth century. By  analogy, even though a person starting to smoke at 50 can point to a person starting at 20 and say, “I should be able to have my years of smoking too,” the person who smokes at an older age faces more health risks than the person who smokes when young. Is it worth a heart attack to a 50 year-old to insist on having years of smoking too?  Similarly, the question of the additional oil for more cars, as well as more coal-sourced electricity powering electronics and appliances—all being facilitated by the upsurge in loans—can legitimately be answered differently when it is accurately (and thus justly) feared that unless the carbon-use trends reversed themselves everywhere, the species would likely face dramatic negative effects all too soon, with the very survival of the species itself perhaps hanging in the balance further out.

As these diverging patterns demonstrate, the threat of over-population is not uniform across the globe.   source: fashionzombie.net
In terms of public policy, if corporate social responsibility is not strong enough given the addictive allure of profit-seeking to ward off even current use that could result in a very different climate, perhaps resulting in a new equilibrium beyond the bounds of human habitation, then government regulation may be humanity's only option to pick up the slack. Because the problem is global in nature, this option is also problematic. 
Because the interests of the government of China and other countries do not take kindly to economic costs inflicted on their respective peoples for fear of political unrest and economic recession,  the absolutist interpretation of national sovereignty might finally have to be compromised in order, ultimately, for the species to survive or at least not be inundated even in the twenty-first century with climatic havoc. To the extent that the explosion of the human population is the root cause of the increase in carbon (and methane) in the atmosphere and oceans, even government regulation enforced at the global level would be difficult, even ethically, especially as countries fear an older demographic in a declining base. It would be a lot to ask bankers to take this on. Nevertheless, societies and governments can legitimately ask banks not to exacerbate global warming by acting so as to dramatically increase human consumption too much given the business environment. As the managerial role is profit-seeking by design and incentive, however, it is not likely that bankers would agree. Hence I have viewed corporate social responsibility as a creature more of marketing than duty, especially in societies in which the honor of duty is not valued. 
Kathy Chu, “Consumer Loans Surge Across Asia,” The Wall Street Journal, April 22, 2013.